Tuesday, June 15, 2010


At our last meeting, we discussed several things about the young adult group in general. The principal thing that sticks in my mind is our discussion about our powerlessness and voicelessness as a group.

Several of us are on various committees in the church. Yet, while we are given membership, it seems we are often ignored when we make a suggestion. Often, our ideas have some merit, because they are suggested again by someone older and more respected. Whether that person had payed attention to what we said, or if they just thought it up on their own, is anyone's guess.

In my personal opinion, the fact that there is a young adult group in the church is both silly and sad. While we do have different life goals and experiences than someone 10, 20, or more years older than us, we should not be segregated because of that. That does make us different, but that should not give the older generations the excuse to ignore us, or to push us aside, or to not pay attention to our wants and needs.

However, we must now ask ourselves: are we part of the problem? Are our ideas out of line with Church doctrine, or with the bible? Do we make it difficult for the older generations to relate to us? Are our goals different from what they should be? Or is it not our fault at all, but a failing on the part of the church leadership?

Whatever the true problem is, let's work to fix it. Let's identify what needs work within ourselves, so that we can truthfully say that we are not the problem.